My winter break is slowly coming to an end. I am still trying to enjoy every minute of it. Josh is on vacation so it is wonderful that we can spend some time as a family. Connor is really being spoiled! I took these pictures of Connor this morning in the kitchen. He was having fun trying to rearrange the chairs. The shirt he is wearing the pictures was given to him by his great-grandmother (Josh's grandmother) for Christmas. Today we don't have anything spectacular planned. We will probably watch the ball drop in Time Square and toast with sparkling apple cider (not a fan of champagne, unless it is with orange juice). This year has really flown by... so much has happened. Connor is growing so quickly! He is starting to want to run and his vocabulary is really growing quickly. I cannot even list all the words he has learned. But it seems he learns a new word every couple of days. My new year resolution is to lose weight. I know it seems that is everyone's resolution but it is something I really need to work on. I have been eating really well the last couple of days and exercising for about an hour each day. Wish me luck! The hardest part is not going to McDonald's for breakfast. I love their Egg McMuffin. Josh is really supporting me through this and helping by cooking healthy foods. My other goal for the new year is to continue reading the Bible and following God's plan for my life. It is really important to try and be an example of Christ and I don't always do that. So I am going to really devote myself to becoming a better follower of Christ. I also want to continue working on taking better photos. I hope to take some family portraits this year of our family and also try to take others photos as well. I think I have a lot of goals for the new year but I am going to persevere.
I also want to congratulate my cousin, Melissa! She is going to be a mom!! Her baby is due in June! I am very excited to be an aunt!!