Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Baby is 2!!

I cannot believe he is 2! He is growing up way too fast for me. I was so sad today because we got a postcard from the church that he will be starting in a new classroom this weekend! He is going to be going to a class with almost 3 year olds! He just seems so little compared to them. Connor will do just fine, but I will miss his wonderful teachers that he has in his other class.
I can't believe I haven't updated my blog since July. The time goes by so quickly when I am working. Not reading enough books or have time to just relax. I've been busy getting report cards completed and getting ready for conferences. I am looking forward to Halloween. Connor is so excited for Halloween. He is more excited for Halloween than his birthday party. Connor is going to dress up as Tigger. Tigger is his favorite stuffed animal and pal. He is very excited to go trick or treating and "get candy". I hope the weather isn't cold on that day. One can only wish. The house selling is looking more promising. We have had a lot of showings. Since we've lowered the price we have had someone looking at it everyday. We had three just today! So hopefully we get an offer real soon. Some of the homes we are looking at to buy are selling off the market so we would like to move as soon as possible.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vacation nearing the end

It has been a great summer. I can't believe I start setting up my classroom Monday morning. I am going to miss being with my two favorite boys in the entire world. It is amazing how quickly the summer goes by. Connor had an amazing summer. He is starting to look like a little boy instead of mommy's baby boy.  I don't think I am quite ready for him to grow up.  It goes by way too fast.  I am glad I have taken a lot of pictures of Connor to remind me just how small he was and what he was like when he was just born.  I treasure them all so much.  
Selling the house has been slow...we are still waiting on getting an offer.  I just keep praying that God will send the right person to our house that will see everything we loved about the house when we bought it.  
Next week, Josh and I will be celebrating our 5th Anniversary!  I am very excited.  I am so happy to be married to Josh.  He is definitely without a doubt my soul mate and my best friend.  I think sometimes I am very hard to live with and I don't know how Josh puts up with me but, he does, and I am so grateful to have him.  We have been through a lot together and I love him more than the day that I married him.  

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fun in the Sun

These were some pics that I took at my mom's house using her camera.  Connor was having a blast playing with the hose and I had to capture the moment.  He is having so much fun this summer.  We have been going to swimming lessons and he has gotten really good at swimming.  He is dog-paddling with our support.  He loves the water.  
We just put our house on the market.  We are hoping to move into Cabezon in a new neighborhood that Artistic is building.  The home is exactly what we want.  We are so excited to see if we can sell our house and be able to move there.  So far everything is going very well.  Our house is listed with Campbell and Campbell.  We are hoping to be able to have a yard just for Connor to play in.  He loves playing outside.  
I also would like to send my thoughts and prayers to the Harris family.  Joe Harris worked for the Sheriff's Department in Rio Rancho and was killed by a burglar he was trying to arrest.  I work with his wife Tonia and his daughter Ally.  They are devoted christians and I know Joe is now in heaven with Jesus but it is very sad that he left his family so quickly.  It is amazing how fast your life can change in one second.  I pray that I never take my family for granted and just be thankful that God has blessed me with an amazing husband and adorable son.  They are my life and I don't know what I would do without them.  I try not to take our time together for granted.    

Saturday, July 4, 2009


It has been very difficult to load these pictures. For some reason I was not able to load them from my own computer, but it worked on my moms. These are pics from Josh's badge ceremony. He just got promoted to driver in the fire department. It was a lot of hard work but he made it! Congratulations honey!! I am so proud of you. Connor had a lot of fun playing on the fire trucks and he also got to help pin Dada's badge on him during the ceremony.
Josh and I have been very busy lately. We have been getting our house ready to put on the market. It has been a lot of work. You don't realize you have so much 'stuff' until you start really decluttering. We had to rent a storage unit to put some of our stuff for staging. The house looks really good. It is now all ready except for painting a hallway. We are going to be calling the realtor next week to come and look at the house. We are very excited to get into a family sized house and be in a home that we plan to spend a long time living in. We really want to live in community not just a neighborhood. We are looking at moving into Cabezon. I have some friends that live there and they seem to really like it. We'll just have to see how long it takes us to sell our house.
I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July. Be safe and have fun!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Almost 20 months!

I can't believe how quick time passes you by.  It seems only yesterday that we brought Connor home from the hospital.  I remember it so well- we were so nervous.  We left the hospital during rush hour traffic.  Josh drove extra slow and if you know how he drives, that is not like him at all.  When we brought Connor home, he was so comfortable.  It was like he knew he was at home...okay, I could go on forever about my little one.  Let me tell you a little about the present!  Connor is doing great!  He seems to enjoy having me home for the summer and getting a little spoiled but I can't help it, I love making him happy!  He is a lot of work right now- he never stops all day.  He is full-time job  that is for sure!  
Josh and I decided we needed to take a vacation to just spend time together and also to give him a break from the everyday routine of things.  We had a hard time deciding where to go.  Our first thoughts were San Diego, Florida, a cruise.  But, we decided those are all places we want to go with Connor. Since I am not comfortable taking him on an airplane yet, we decided on Las Vegas- since it would be just the two of us!  We both love Las Vegas.  There is so much to do and see.  We are going to two shows: Ka, and Le Reve.  I am very excited!  We are leaving next week- I can't wait!!  I'll try to take some photos when we go with my point and shoot camera since I don't want to travel with SLR camera.  Connor is going to be staying with my parents which he will really enjoy.  They spoil him way to much!  As you can see from the pictures they gave him his first go-cart!  Which he really enjoys playing on.  I think Connor will think he is on a vacation too.  
I just finished reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer.  It was excellent!  It was really hard to understand everything at first but after about the sixth chapter it started to get really good!  I loved the ending of the story- it throws you a big twist.  I really recommend it.  It is about aliens which might turn some of you away but just give it a try.  I think you will be surprised how much you will enjoy it.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!  Love ya!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Love My Family

Okay, I am really disappointed in these pictures.  They are a little blurry but  my camera didn't auto-focus and I didn't realize it until I got home.  Guess that is lesson for me (look at pictures more closely before you finish the session).  They wouldn't have been blurry if I didn't have to use the tripod.  I think I need more practice with the tripod.  We took these pictures right after church.  This is the Bosque that is right behind our church.  Josh said we can try again soon, so we'll see.  Church service was just amazing today.  Todd is so encouraging .  I can't imagine having to go somewhere else.  
Fifteen more days of school!  I can't believe it!  It went by so quickly.  It is going to be so nice spending extra time with Connor and Josh.  I am going to get spoiled again and not want to go back to work.  I plan to do lots of reading.  I already have a list of summer books that I really want to read this summer.  We plan to enroll Connor in swim lesson.  I think he will really enjoy it.  He loves playing in the water.  We got him some really cute swim shorts with little electric guitars on them.  They are too cute!  Connor is doing really well.  He is learning so fast now!  He is doing very well with his alphabet.  Right now, he knows 14 letters from the alphabet.  He seems to enjoy learning, which I am really excited about.  I love teaching him!  He is finally getting his colors better.  He knew some color names but had a hard time identifying color, but now he seems to be doing a lot better.  He currently knows: yellow, purple, blue, red, and gray pretty well.
Hope everyone is doing well.  Love you all!!      

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Sunday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  We started the day off by going to church.  The service was amazing!  Afterwards, Connor and I went to grandma and papa's house for the day.  The weather was absolutely horrible today.  It was cold and breezy.  YUCK!  It was a nice overcast which is great for taking pictures but, I was so disappointed that  Connor had to wear a jacket and hat for Easter.  They look like winter pictures.  You can't even see his cute Easter outfit.  Josh and I are supposed to have an Easter egg later this week (since he had to work) and I am hoping the weather will be better so I can get some shots in his Easter clothes.  Josh is turning 30 on Thursday!  Don't tell him I told you. :)  I hope everyone had a great day.  Love you all!    

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fun at the Zoo

On Saturday, we took Connor to the zoo.  He had an absolute blast!  It has been a while since he has been to the zoo.  We got ready early and we were at the zoo when they opened.  I have never been to the zoo on a more perfect day.  The weather was great, the animals were active and there was hardly any people.  It was so nice being able to look at the animals as long as we wanted and to see the animals moving around so much.  Connor liked the animals so much!  He can say most of their names and sounds that they make so it was really neat to see his face when he actually saw the animal for real and heard the sounds that they actually made.  He knows all the animals so well from books that we read at home.  I think his favorite animal was the turtle or the monkeys that are in the rainforest.  Connor also got to feed the fish which he really enjoyed.  He was throwing the fish food to them and he was getting so excited when they would eat it.  He even tried to eat the fish food once but Josh got it away from him just in time.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.  I intend to take many more during spring break.  Keep checking back!    

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

These are some shots I got of Connor on our way to and at Grandma's house.  He was having so much fun playing outside.  He really enjoyed the dirt which you can see plastered on his pants and face.  I had a good time taking pictures outside.  I took them until my battery went dead.  It wasn't fully charged to begin with.  
Today is my first day of Spring Break!  It has been crazy at work with conferences and you tell the kids were ready for a break.  I have a week and a half off and I intend to make the most of it.  Connor is feeling much better this week.  He had a double ear infection and a respiratory infection.  We took him to the emergency room last Wednesday morning (1:00am)  because he hadn't slept in two days and they gave him some medicine.  It still took him a while to start feeling better.  I think that this was the worst illness he has had yet.  He still has a running nose but he is doing much, much better.  
Twilight the movie comes out on Saturday!  So EXCITED!!  I don't think I will get my copy on Saturday.  I ordered mine from Border's because I wanted a special edition that you could only get through them.  So, now I have to be patient and wait to receive it.  They have already shipped it but the tracking says that I won't get it until the 27th!  I guess I will just have to read until then...

Friday, March 6, 2009

When is it going to be spring??

Okay...I am dying to take pictures outside and the weather has been really nice lately.  I have been so busy lately since we had this "spring like" weather.  Well, I guess I waited to long because the weather has been terrible these last couple of days with this cold wind.  Yesterday, I decided I would just bundle Connor up and hope for the best so I could steal some pictures of him.  Connor didn't mind the cold one bit (he actually was very upset to go back inside).  We only spent about ten minutes outside but I was able to get a couple of shots of my baby.  The first picture make look a little strange.  I tried to do an antique effect.  The MAC sometimes have a different color resolution than PCs, so I hope that it looks okay on all your PC screens.  

Josh, Connor and I recently took a trip to Santa Fe.  I took off a day of work and took a little "family vacation".  It was the second trip Connor has taken and he did very well.  He really enjoyed Santa Fe.  You could tell he knew that we was in a different city.  We went to the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum which was very cool.  I fell in love with one of her paintings called "Nature Forms".  I wanted to get a print of the picture to hang in my den, and I guess the owner that has the copyright of the painting will not let them them replicate the painting.  So, that was a bummer.  It was nice to get away and relax.  We had a great time!  I was a little disappointed in the mall and the outlet.  I thought they would have a better selection then Albuquerque but they didn't.  The condo we stayed at was really nice.  We got a fantastic deal!  We stayed two night for 70 bucks a night.  The condo was had a huge kitchen, a nice living room, and a walk-in shower (which I guess is Josh's next project for our master bath).  

I am also still reading the Twilight series (round 2).  I am about 1/2 way done with the second book.  I am going much slower than the first time.  I guess because I already know what happens.  But, it is really interesting reading the books a second time.  Meyer gives you a lot of clues early on about the characters or events that are going to happen later that you don't pick up on the first time you read them.  My mom also bought me "The Host" which is the most recent book that Meyer wrote.  It isn't about vampires instead it is about aliens.  I heard this books is also really good.  I plan to start it as soon as finish the twilight series.  The movie comes to DVD in a few weeks!  So EXCITED!!! I ordered the special edition from Borders.   

Also, I am now on!  Still trying to figure it out but, if you are on facebook, let me know so we can be "friends". :)  

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I am sorry I haven't posted anything lately...I haven't gotten on the computer lately.  I guess I have been too busy reading.  I finished my Twilight series about a week ago (there are four books in all).  I think it is the fastest I ever read a series.  I think I read around 2500 pages in about 25 days!  That's really fast for me.  I am a pretty slow reader.  But, I have to tell you it the best book series I have ever read.  Sorry Harry!!!  The books are so suspenseful and just when you think you have it all figured out another twist has taken place.  The characters are incredible in the story.  You get so involved in the story that is hard to put them down.  Some nights I would stay up to 1 o'clock in the morning!  I am telling you they are great books.  I am reading it all over again.  I am about half way done with the first book.  The movie for the first book is in theaters right now.  We tried to go see it last night but the tickets were sold out.  I have already pre-ordered the movie from Borders but I am so anxious to watch it.  I put a link to the authors website on my website so you can check it out for yourself.  Just be careful on the site because there are a lot of spoilers on the site.  Don't click on the FAQs on each of the books because it will spoil a lot of the suspense in the books.  
Connor got his fourth haircut yesterday.  It was a much better experience than the last time.  We took him to the Mop Tops on San Mateo and the ladies were much more patient with him and his hair looks really good.  He looks like a little boy!  Connor is doing very well.  He is a little learning machine right now just soaking up all he can.  I hope everyone is doing well.     

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What I have been up to...

Well, I am back at work once more.  It seems to be going by pretty quickly which is a good thing.  I am very excited about my three day weekend home with my family due to MLK day.  Connor is growing like a weed.  He is still all over the place.  It was a miracle that I got him to stay still while taking these pictures.  This is round 1 of his Valentine's Day pics.  I have some other ideas that I want to try with him this weekend.  So, I will post those pics when I take them.  I wanna try some "Kim Anderson" style pics.  If you don't know who Kim Anderson is, google her and you will recognize her photos.  
I have to tell you about these books that I am reading...I am so hooked!  My friends at work have been reading these books and were holding out on the rest of us.  They are so good!  They are written by Stephanie Meyer and the book series is called "Twilight".  These books were written primary for young adults but they are so well written and suspenseful.  I am on the second book in the series (there are four of them) and I cannot put it down.  I read the first book (Twilight) very quickly.  It was so suspenseful, I stayed up until 1 a.m. to finish it and I immediately went out and bought the second one (New Moon).  The story is a love story about a girl who falls in love with a vampire.  I love vampire books!  Some of my other favorite vampire books are The Historian and Dracula (of course).  But anyways, back to Twilight, don't be turned off if you don't like vampire will still LOVE it.  This other girl at work doesn't care for vampires and she fell in love with the book too.  They are also doing the movies for the books.  The first one is in theaters now.  I haven't seen it yet...maybe this weekend.  I have one word of advice to you if you decide to read these books:  Make sure and have lots of time to read because you are not going to want to put the book down.  I HAVE to leave my book at home when I go to work because I would read it if I had it with me when the kids go to PE, music, etc.  I am not joking!  They are that good!