It has been very difficult to load these pictures. For some reason I was not able to load them from my own computer, but it worked on my moms. These are pics from Josh's badge ceremony. He just got promoted to driver in the fire department. It was a lot of hard work but he made it! Congratulations honey!! I am so proud of you. Connor had a lot of fun playing on the fire trucks and he also got to help pin Dada's badge on him during the ceremony.
Josh and I have been very busy lately. We have been getting our house ready to put on the market. It has been a lot of work. You don't realize you have so much 'stuff' until you start really decluttering. We had to rent a storage unit to put some of our stuff for staging. The house looks really good. It is now all ready except for painting a hallway. We are going to be calling the realtor next week to come and look at the house. We are very excited to get into a family sized house and be in a home that we plan to spend a long time living in. We really want to live in community not just a neighborhood. We are looking at moving into Cabezon. I have some friends that live there and they seem to really like it. We'll just have to see how long it takes us to sell our house.
I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July. Be safe and have fun!
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