It has been a long and stressful year filled with happy and sad moments. We were so happy to find out that we were going to have another baby! It was fantastic news but I had a very long and tough pregnancy. I was so much bigger this time around than I was with Connor. No idea why. I was diagnosed with borderline hydramnios. At the same time, we also found out that our precious baby had fluid in his kidneys. It was very scary and stressful for the rest of my pregnancy. I was freaking myself out by reading these awful stories on the internet about these conditions. I really thought our baby could be born with down syndrome. But, on September 28th, God blessed us with an adorable, healthy baby boy! We named him Bradley Martin- Bradley, because Josh and I really liked it and agreed on it, and Martin is my mom's maiden name.
Bradley is such a sweetie pie! He is so calm and relaxed. He always just goes with the flow and is so gentle. He has such an innocence about him. He adores his big brother and lights up whenever he is around Connor. You can tell they are going to be best friends. Connor loves being a big brother and likes to help take care of Bradley. He even had to feed him a bottle in the car the other day for Josh while he was driving. I am so proud of him! Bradley did get diagnosed with torticollis a few weeks ago. He "favors" his right side due to his neck muscles being tight. He especially favors it when he sleeps. Bradley started therapy last week at Carrie Tingley and we were told that his is a minor case and he is starting to correct it on his own. We are doing extra exercises and stretches at home to help him work those muscles on the left side. He is doing much better every day. He even rolled over Thursday from his back to his belly! Since he favors his right side so much, he has caused the back of his head to flatten. He will have to get fitted for a helmet soon and will have to wear it for 23 hours a day for a few months. It is going to be really hard but I know that he needs it and I am doing what is best for my child. If he didn't get the helmet, his face would not be symmetrical and could cause other health problems. I know he will thank me later and he won't even remember wearing it a week after he gets it off. I just thank God that it can be corrected and he is going to be just fine.
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