Sunday, April 1, 2012

T-Ball Time

First Day of T-Ball!!

Connor started t-ball today! He was so excited to go to his practice this morning. We had a few errands to run and he told everyone that he had t-ball today. He did a great job listening to his coaches and had a lot of fun! He is really looking forward to playing his first game. His team name is the Roadrunners...I guess they let the kids pick the name. I cannot wait to cheer him on at his first game.
Bradley with Daddy at the Aquarium

Bradley is doing great! He has been wearing his helmet for a week now and he has adjusted to it very well. Brad has to wear his helmet for 23 hours a day. He gets it off for an hour every day during bath time. But he sleeps and plays in it all day. I can already see a difference in his head shape. His flat spot already appears a little more round and his ear symmetry seems better- and that is in a week! His helmet is still plain white. We ordered some stickers to decorate it with. We had a really hard time deciding what theme to put on the helmet. Some of our favorites were: football, baseball, and evil knievil. We finally decided on an Isotopes baseball theme. It is going to have the Isotopes logo, pinstripes, his name on the front and the number 28 (the day he was born). I will post pictures as soon as he gets the stickers on it. They should arrive any day!